Don't Share Your Bed With Creepy Crawlies

Set up bed bug control services in Metairie, New Orleans or Avondale, LA

With the accessibility of airline travel and services like Airbnb, people are more mobile than ever. Unfortunately, constant travel makes it easier for bed bugs to hitch a ride to places they aren't wanted. If you notice your property has a bed bug problem, call Bug Stars Termite and Pest Control, LLC. We offer bed bug control and extermination services for everything from residential homes to apartments and hotels, and we'll make sure your building is safe.

Schedule bed bug extermination services in Metairie, New Orleans, Avondale, LA or surrounding areas today.

Signs you need bed bug extermination

Signs you need bed bug extermination

Bed bugs are small and tend to only make an appearance at night when you're asleep. You may need bed bug extermination services if you see:

Shed bug skins and shells around your room
Bloodstains or fecal spots on your mattress and bedding
Bug bites on your skin after you wake up

If you suspect an infestation, our experienced exterminator can confirm the problem and provide a solution. Arrange for bed bug control services when you contact us at 504-344-9417.